Monday, April 23, 2012

The hunt for the cops opened ☃

History in the Primorsk showed that a majority of the population not adequately responded to the guerrilla.
According to Vladimir Savchenko, the father of one of the ' partisan ', on the eve of the story of his son, detained by local police and accused of stealing a guy, trying to dislodge him from the testimony of.

The gang that called the hunting in the coastal police, completely destroyed. However, questions remain. Chief among them - do not follow a chain reaction? . A certain part of the citizens reacted very loyal to that get up ' maritime guerrillas '. For the state - this is extremely alarming, meaning that issues such as reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fight against corruption and building relations with the opposition, require immediate, and most importantly - effective solutions.
It all ended quickly.
On Friday morning the bandits blocked in an apartment house in Ussuriysk. At the storming of two suspects shot dead and four preferred to surrender. That's where it became clear that across the coastal police confronted the 18- 22 -year-old boy. In the gang consisted of locals Andrew Suhorada Alexander Sweet, Alexander Kovtun, Vladimir Ilyutikov, Maxim Kirillov and Roman Savchenko. Survivors already hard testify, telling about his ' exploits '. But I would like to hear the answer to the most important question: why would it suddenly usual seaside boys took up arms, declaring war, not only the local police, but if you believe the appeal of the leader of ' maritime guerrillas ' on the Internet, and the entire state machinery in Russia? . Who was really inspirer and organizer of this action is still not clear. Actually this story to distinguish truth from deception is very difficult to.

Immediately begin to form a guerrilla group for the destruction of national traitors Russia. Where possible, and that in the villages, take power into their own hands. ' Apparently, appeared on the Internet ' order number 1 ', as well as others ' appeals to all who have left the honor and conscience ', distributed on behalf of the ' Commander of the Russian army in the Far East ', are just some of the ideological forces zeroing .

Experts from law enforcement agencies surveyed by Itogi, note that the organizers of the ' literate in terms of both military and propaganda '. Surely the bandits was a political leader, podnatorevshy in the organization of special operations. There was even talk that he might be involved in the Ussuri famous brigade of the GRU. Additionally, you can see in the stock itself and the text ' order ' elaborate logic to cause a chain reaction. In fact, the text of ' appeal ' no particular novelty - such a proclamation can be read on the fence or on the Internet. What disturbs other. One former intelligence personnel, specializing in strategic intelligence, told Itogi that he had the full impression that in the Primorye some destructive forces carried out ... A reaction to this shocking - many bloggers supported the ' partisan '. And some have even been willing to give them all possible assistance. This discouraging fact stated even representatives of the local police department. Incidentally, the freshest commentary on the Internet to post ' The Last of the bandits who attacked the policemen arrested ' was full of emotion: ' Who gave you, you bastards, the right to call these people criminals to court! '.

Analysts believe that the actions of the gang will likely face some political forces. It is they, they say, the tension in the Kuzbass injected after the accident at the mine ' Raspadskaya ', and now moved to the neighboring region. It is evident that the destructive slogans is not rich regions react, rather than well-fed, Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Fighters, apparently deliberately recruited. What made the young to go in the Primorye ' robingudy '? . He said that on the eve of the story of his son were detained by ATS of the Kirov region. Accusing a guy of stealing, the police, according to his father, began to knock the recognition. He claims that at least one gang member - Andrew Suhorada - some time ago, was beaten by police. As reported by ' Itogi ' sources in the Ministry of Interior of Russia, as soon as possible in the Primorye will check the local police department Ministerial. Because of smoke without fire.

His tour completed.

Even if the investigation will prove that the gang members moved exclusively domestic reasons, it does not allow to de-politicize the incident. The determining factor is no longer the case in fact, as a reaction to events of general public. Yes, the habitues of the online forums - this is not the whole country. But ignore the vox populi, considering it is just a virtual Fronde, it would be unpardonable levity. It is dangerous to the powers that be than all the ' Dissenters march ' together.

Of course, even the ' unfrozen ' comments do not imply that their authors are willing to change the keyboard on a bayonet. Between word and deed goes a huge distance. But at least you can ensure that the public is not lift a finger to protect public institutions, if they encroach more and more activities ' revolutionaries '. Moreover, we must acknowledge that devastating for the state foundations ' germs ' breed, finding in the country today for a favorable environment. This low efficiency of the state machine, which is manifested primarily in the corruption and the absence of mechanisms for directing energy in a legal protest track.

Judging by the number of statements attributed to the ' partisans ', politically they represent the most radical, armed wing of the national-patriots. However, there are other leaflets. According to the seaside media attacks on policemen preceded the appearance of an ultimatum, brought by the boundary of Internal Affairs: to stop corruption in the police. But there is no contradiction in principle, no. Today's nationalists not like yesterday, the one-dimensional, operated by a narrow set of ideological cliches. Of course, the skinheads, choosing their victims only of people with different skin color or shape of the nose, too, until enough. But they have a list of fighters that more and more clearly visible front is no longer limited.

2009 was a year of significant change.
the actions of the radical nationalists - indicates in its annual report the information -analytical center Sova. - Neo-Nazi terror gradually loses focus purely racist, becoming more distinct political, anti-state. The objects of terror are state agencies, police departments, military enlistment offices, apartments of law enforcement officers. The ultimate goal of these acts of terror apologists see the far-right ' national revolution ' and the establishment of neo-Nazi regime in Russia '.

At the time of its appearance - January of this year - report ' Owls ' seemed to many no more than a Christmas carol. Which, in fact, the ' national revolution '? .

In sympathizing with the ' Maritime guerrillas ' is not afraid to sign it, even public figures. For example, Maxim Kalashnikov, the infamous blogger and futurist. ' If the power is destined to climb Russian - he predicts in his LiveJournal blog - the names of the coastal guerrillas will be named the streets and squares. They erected monuments. ' True, Kalashnikov, in fairness I should say, categorically opposed to the ' movement was saddled so-called national- democracy. In other words - the nationalists ' maynkampfovskogo ' bottling. But who then has to ' ride '? . He is one of the founders and ideologists of the movement ' Para ' (for those who do not know: in Latin it means ...

By the way, another leader of the movement, the Chief of Staff ' of the People's Militia Russia ' (' fighting ' wing ' Parabellum '), is still the same, Vladimir Kvachkov, a retired colonel of the GRU and the main defendant in the trial of the assassination attempt on Anatoly Chubais, who appealed to the . Actually, that day - March 17, 2005 - and can be considered the beginning of ' guerrilla war '. The name of the pioneer, though still officially unknown: Kvachkov was acquitted by a jury. However, the Supreme Court overturned the verdict and sent the case back for reconsideration. In general, the team that the real and virtual that the ' partisans ' crept still the. Under a human resources and plans.

' Department of the People's Militia has a population of up to 10 people and created a separate home ( group home or a separate entrance apartment building ), a private street development, the village ( the village ) with a total population of 400 people ... Further, all as it should: a platoon, company, battalion, regiment, division, corps, and finally the front, which ' combines the corps and divisions operating in the territory of the Federation, included in this federal district '. The total number of militia in full mobilization should reach three million people. You say, delirium inflamed the imagination of people do not have a good laugh as a child ' summer lightning '? . But a seaside incident shows that the pseudo-patriotic rhetoric - something flammable. Much to the victory of ' maritime guerrillas ' - is like dreaming about a fire in your own home.

Andrew Vladimirov.
Grigoriy Sanin.


These are the elements of the Civil War, which began in 1917 and continuing to this day. Some of its outbreak, we are seeing on a regular basis - and Pikalevo and Salsk in the Rostov region and Northern Caucasus. The protest takes many forms. The reason for such action - the audacity of officials, the reluctance to communicate with citizens, a strong influence of criminals in Primorsky Krai. I would say, too much crime in the province. The situation is because the number of China, Korea, Japan, and therefore, the automotive business, smuggling. Nationalism here, of course, adds fuel to the fire - a region full of migrants from China, CIS countries, it is clear that it annoys people. In central Russia are strong for the same reason, anti-Caucasian sentiment. And all together - and crime and nationalism, and the neglect by the authorities - creates a situation.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
integer - spin -ce -ker -du- State, we.

I would like to note that the news from Primorye are in the ' top ' in the blogosphere. Alarming that official information is highly controversial. First they said, for example, that a group of bandits led someone who served in Chechnya, then the Investigation Committee is denied. And in numbers: that five of them, then seven, then six. During the week, all thrown back security forces were not able to calculate their number? . The people fed by rumors - very disturbing, because the Internet ' those in the woods ', that kind are Robin Hoods ' partisans ' and ' fighters against lawlessness Cop '. Maritime bloggers write that the local population helped them. If this is true, then here it's chaos: who would have no motive what was covered, even the most good - remember George Detochkin - but if it is stolen or killed, he was a criminal. Authorities had to clear from the outset to provide information and resolve the problem, of course. But what to nationalist views. According to Stanislavsky: I do not believe. This is - a smokescreen, and who hangs out?. Whether in the interests of right-wing who use any excuse to show that such sentiments are more obsessed society, whether it is a special operation information. As long as each thug would not say how he was guided by the motive to believe it will be difficult. Actually it all together - an indication that the Interior Ministry has already overripe reform. The leader of our party Sergei Mironov has made proposals on how to conduct them, but most of the measures have not been supported by. Wait, that reforming the Interior Ministry itself. In my opinion, naive.

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News from Skypecine. com.

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